
A Masters of Counseling Student at Texas A&M Kingsville, Conner hopes to have a private practice in counseling. They enjoy fixing old technology, collecting things and can’t seem to get out of working in prisons.

“I was forced to come against my will,” Conner joked. “Treehouse was the place that finally broke Brock out of their ‘religion is bad’ cycle. Brock’s aha moment at Treehouse helped us both move forward in our relationship. Treehouse is a great environment where we can talk about life. Treehouse goes deeper and talks about the theology.”

Conner and Brock both remember a conversation with Pastor Jerry before Conner came to any Treehouse gatherings. “. Organized religion was a bad experience in the past. You set someone off and get kicked out.” Conner articulated. “It was great to see a religious leader who was ready to have an open discussion about my life, and there is organized religion that is open to be welcoming and inclusive of all people.”

Treehouse is a place where everyone gets to participate. It is not a place of lectures or spacing out. “Treehouse is an interesting group because it is a church service where you are an active participant in the conversation.” Conner shared, “You don’t just listen to a dude talk for an hour, you get to talk and break down the topic for the week.”